Moscovium: Element to unlock anti-gravity craft? Is 299 the magic number? UFOs: Greer’s disclosure crusade Debunking perception of an Unidentified threat UFOs: Road to a ‘false-flag’ alien invasion? Could ‘hoax’ plot be patently obvious? Could Nibiru be the elusive Planet X? Is it home to our ancient ancestors, the Anunnaki? Alien ancestors of the Himalayan hobbits And the mystery of the Dropa stones Tonga-Hunga and the NWO plan to beam in the Antichrist The alien-invasion simulation: PART ONE Is Blue Beam final step in NWO takeover of the world? The alien-invasion simulation: PART TWO Was Chelyabinsk the first wave of weapons from space? And could DART mission offer some Salvation? Could Space Force provide the means to raise a false flag? All aboard for an asteroid-impact simulation To Ganymede and beyond ahead of the great awakening Crop circles reveal that aliens are among us Diego Garcia: The Dark Fleet’s clandestine gateway to the stars What really goes on at the isolated US naval base?